Ways to attract the right people

How to attract the right people

The answer is pretty obvious. Older people are usually somewhat limited in their physical abilities, so they cannot run a marathon every day. With huskies, this is out of the question; they resort to small dogs that don’t need to be walked for hours. Fit people who like to run every day get fit dogs who like to run every day. Hunters get hunting dogs. Police get dogs that can be trained to run people down or sniff out drugs and explosives. Shepherds get dogs that are good at keeping sheep.

That makes sense. People choose dogs with characteristics they like or are looking for. Often they are the perfect match. This principle applies not only to the human-dog relationship, but also to the human-human relationship. People look for other people whose qualities and character traits they like and admire.

Birds of a feather flock together. Vegans with vegans. People of the same profession or political affiliation. Honest and straightforward people with other non-guns. If you are open to new experiences, you will seek out others who also show this openness.

The psychology of attracting the right people

Generally speaking, you are either drawn to people because they reflect your own characteristics or show the ones you want. These are the people you meet and immediately feel that you have the same vibe and would make a great couple, which often turns out to be true.

To live a great life, you have to pay attention to your environment. You need to surround yourself with a team that supports and motivates you, lifts you up and matches your lifestyle. Simply put, you need to find people who love the real you and match it well.